Revised September 2000
Many ideas from this list have been integrated with some other ideas into
The Revitalizing Democracy Project
(supported by the Nathan Cummings Foundation)
The Co-Intelligence Institute is still small. The list below attempts to cover a wide range of things the Institute might do. Many of them are being done, at least to some extent, now. To show the extent to which each is being done, the items below are marked with one to five stars (*), where five stars means a major undertaking, with lots of resources and attention, and one star means just a bit of attention to the area. No stars means it is just an idea, a wide-open realm of possibility...The list below starts with activities within the Institute and then moves on to projects focused outside the Institute.
1) Standard internal administrative functions, like finance, legal, materials, personnel,
volunteer coordination, etc. It is here and in (2), (4) and (5)
that assistance would be most useful. ***
2) Gathering and compilations
-- locating and pulling together in accessible form information
about theories, methods, organizations, practitioners, activities,
etc., of interest to the CII. Files and libraries would be found
in this activity. The gathering is continuing apace. Much more
needs to be done to make it available. ***
3) Integration research
-- How do the various methods and ideas fit together? What's useful
for what in what circumstances, etc.? What synergies exist, or
could? What are the common principles underlying various
co-intelligent practices? Promote experimentation with such
integration and with new variants of co-intelligent processes
to advance our knowledge of their dynamics and uses. ***
4) Website maintenance.
Our website could grow to include vast amounts of integrated materials
on co-intelligence, as well as on-line dialogues and networking
info, etc.**
5) Knowledge Products & Publications
-- The creation and sales of books, newsletters, bulletins, CD-ROMs,
tapes, etc. -- including relevant ones from other sources. There
are frequent bulletins to our email list and several complete
book manuscripts. A major book should be published in 2001, probably
using the new print-on-demand technology.**
6) Public and media relations
-- includes co-intelligence article/interview placement. There
is no outreach effort yet. Several articles have been published
because editors attended workshops or saw this website or an email
7) Promotion/Networking:
Spread awareness of the co-intelligence vision and methodologies
to specific professionals, activists, officals and community groups.
8) Speeches, workshops and classes
design and delivery. The several small workshops Tom has held
(at some organizer's request) have been very well received. A
number of Institute supporters are advocating very strongly for
more of these.*
9) Generating new ideas
relating to co-intelligence. This is well taken care of simply
because of the way Tom's mind works, often at 4 a.m... ***
Among the current ideas being worked
10) Eldership for the Co-Intelligence
Institute, itself (in lieu of management, per se).
Ideally, a group of people who share passion for the work would
be in ongoing conversation about the directions and status of
the Institute's work. *
11) The Co-Intelligence Recognition
Networking Program: We could contact organizations,
individuals and activities engaged in notably co-intelligent work
and tell them that we have chosen to publicize their work as co-intelligent
(on the Web page and in our publications). We would explain what
co-intelligence is and invite them to check out the Web page and
our other activities and networks. They could network within our
domain, but are not required to do anything. Our recognition of
them is a service to those who'd be interested AND it tells all
those so recognized that we exist, so it is a good public relations
action also. (An interesting outreach idea from 1996!)
12) Co-Intelligent
humor and fun department. God knows what they do!!!?? **
Note: Many of the following activities involve building networks or raising major issues in our culture. These items would each probably involve initiating a major conference some time within the first two years of operation and often after that.
13) Organizing local co-intelligence discussion groups, study circles and transformational learning communities and action groups. Much work has been done recently to create communities/networks of activist dynamic facilitators in Eugene, OR, and, to a lesser degree, in the Seattle area and the San Francisco Bay Area. But there is, as yet, no discussion/study groups for co-intelligence, per se. Tom would be very interested in working with anyone creating one in their town. ***
14) Fundraising and the transformation
of philanthropy. Not only do we raise money for ourselves,
we raise the issue of the role of philanthropy in co-intelligent
social transformation and in a wisdom society. Normal philanthropy
tends to fund the relief of suffering; it promotes the arts and
sciences in ways that don't increase co-intelligence; or it supports
adversarial political activity. But many philanthropic organizations
recognize our culture is in trouble and are trying to find points
of greater leverage. We can help articulate what transformational
philanthropy would look like. **
15) Development of co-intelligence
as an acknowledged interdisciplinary field. This would
involve establishing a presence for co-intelligence in academic
conferences and journals, on campuses, and in the world of academic
research. So far this has only been done in the website and private
correspondence. *
16) Education for co-intelligence,
and co-intelligence in education. What do people (especially
children) need to be taught or to experience in order to be co-intelligent
participants in life and society? And what kinds of education
(co-operative, democratic, multi-modal, systemic...) are most
co-intelligent? How do we get these being talked about and done
in our educational system?
17) Social Dialogue Project and Network.
The mind of the society operates through dialogue. High-quality,
ubiquitous dialogue about issues of collective import is the societal
intelligence learning, thinking and feeling its way toward better
options. Increasing the quality and quantity of such dialogue
is necessary to build a wisdom culture. This project attempts
to build a network of people and institutions involved in generating
such dialogue, to make them more cognizant of their role in the
society's intelligence and more synergized in their various activities.
18) Vision propagation and storyfield
development (a sub-project of the Social Dialogue Project)
-- A story field is a psychosocial field of influence generated
by a set of mutually-reinforcing narratives and lived stories
(personal, group, cultural, etc.) which shapes the behavior, thoughts
and feelings of those within its reach. Progress and Patriarchy
are just two of dozens of dysfunctional story fields in our culture
that are generated by (and which generate) news stories, songs,
movies, novels and lifestyles. We need new story fields. In
this project story tellers (novelists, scriptwriters, poets,
journalists) are brought together with visionaries and experts
in exciting new options to inspire floods of compelling, more
co-intelligent stories with which to generate a wisdom-culture
story field people can actually live in. *
19) Eldership Network --
An elder is a co-intelligent leader, someone whose primary aim
is to help a human system achieve a higher level of dynamic, co-intelligent
self-organization. Certain therapists, educators and mediators
do this with individuals. Certain facilitators do this with groups.
Certain organizational development consultants and executives
do this with organizations. Certain community organizers and local
politicians do this with communities. If these people (and others
like them) saw their work as part of a spectrum of eldering human
systems, they'd discover similarities and synergies among their
varying expertises. This network is designed to build a coherent
community of professionals consciously engaged in transforming
society at every level. *
20) Group process specialists.
We should have people with many sorts of group process specialty
engaged with us, for many reasons. And we should try to network
such people together in generative ways: They are essential to
the creation of an interdisciplinary field (see 15, above). **
21) Business consulting and training.
This is the application of co-intelligence to the world of commerce,
organizations and the workplace. Some see this as a primary lever
for cultural transformation. This may be so. Regardless, it can
be a source of funds to support less profit-oriented activities.
22) Social power transformation.
This addresses all points in the society where social power dynamics
impede co-intelligence -- such as extreme concentrations of wealth,
private control of publicly owned resources (such as airwaves),
the distortion of the electoral process, biased media, etc. It
applies the principles of democracy broadly to all parts of society
and, where possible, tries to replace power-over with power-with
and power-from-within. Currently a main focus is the threat that
corporate globalization poses for democracy. ***
23) Enhancement of democracy:
Promote existing high-leverage processes and political
innovations (particularly citizen consensus councils and/or synergistic,
repeated use of diverse processes) through research, theoretical
work, articles, messages on email and the CII website, and efforts
to get publicly-concerned people trained, experienced, and/or
enthusiastic regarding these processes and innovations. ****
24) Diversity (and cross-cultural)
Outreach and bridging work. Currently we are a primarily
white, middle class, American activity. Ultimately this is not
healthy and is counter to co-intelligence ideals. We need to mindfully
become more inclusive and engage more in the co-intelligent activities
of those unlike ourselves. *
25) Outreach to activists and
the ideological left and right. Co-intelligence can
be translated into left and right terminology and injected into
the ideological debate on both sides of the spectrum to stimulate
positive evolution and provide those tired of polarization with
a better home. This is important because so much energy for cultural
transformation is trapped in these polarized camps.
26) Arrange for activists and community
workers to get trained in co-intelligent processes
like dynamic facilitation, open space, listening circles, etc.***
27) Community and Social Sector
Co-Intelligence Network. I believe that ultimately
sustainable social transformation must be grounded in community.
The social sector is made up of non-governmental, non-profit,
and even unofficial and underground activities -- from daddy cooking
dinner to consumer co-operatives to The Red Cross to neighborhood
groups. Social sector activities working in and for local communities
are key to co-intelligent social change. Helping them be more
co-intelligent and see their role is vital. **
In particular:
28) Human potential for co-intelligence.
What capabilities or characteristics of individuals best support
co-intelligence in them and their environments? What can be done
to develop those capabilities and characteristics? *
29) E-co-intelligence Network.
Bringing the co-intelligence worldview to those trying to improve
the relationships between humans and nature -- supporting them
and helping them network and succeed. **
30) Organize or support local co-intelligence projects. **
31-36) Open, generative attention.
Ideally, I think, 20% of all CII staff (or attention and resources)
should be engaged in looking for opportunities to apply and spread
co-intelligence. When they find something that works they would
either pass it on to someone else or do it themselves (in which
case they are replaced with another open, generative staff member.)
In these efforts, what is the role
- of Tom Atlee?
- of volunteers?
- of supportive groups-in-the-field?
- of self-organized activities?