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Great Y2K Resources at Bargain Prices!


Anyone who wants to invest in a final push to prepare their community, neighborhood or favorite group has some allies.  The publishers of leading preparedness resources are offering free access to their publications while supplies last. -- Tom


Video Tapes

The National Y2K Civic Leadership Initiative is making available copies of Y2K & US: Facing the Challenge, a 15 minute video on community preparedness. Boxes of 50 videos can be sent to a few groups for the cost of shipping. It is useful with other tools such as the Y2K Citizen's Action Guide. See for details and preview it at to be sure it will be of value to you. Then send the name of your group, contact information and your plans for distribution, plus the quantity desired, to Lois Saboe at at your earliest convenience. You are encouraged to show the video on tv or cable, but please let Lois know first at 202-457-8732. Thank you for your great efforts out there!


Utne Reader is offering FREE COPIES of its Y2K Citizen's Action Guide
of which 650,000 copies have been sold and donated.  If you or your
organization can use 50 or more copies, just email Mitra Milani at
<> or call (612) 338-5040 x68 [fax: (612) 337-5560]. 
Tell Mitra about the work you're doing, and she'll just charge you the cost
of shipping and handling.  Utne Reader/Lens Publishing Co.,1624 Harmon
Place, Suite 330, Minneapolis, MN 55403.

It is already available online at


Judy Laddon will send boxes of AWAKENING: THE UPSIDE OF Y2K to citizen
groups or organizations for distribution, contribution to local disaster
preparedness offices or church groups, etc. This is the
classic book that sold out its first print run of 10,000 copies within 6
months with virtually no advertising, just excited word of mouth. Boxes
of 56 books can be sent to you for the cost of shipping. Send the name of
your group and your plans for distribution, plus quantity desired, to Judy at, (509) 747-8776 or 4327 S. Perry St., Spokane, WA 99203.
Click here for full information about AWAKENING: The Upside of Y2K .

Richard Wright and Cathryn Wellner are offering their book, Action Y2K, to Y2K community preparedness organizers for the price of mailing. Cases hold 52 and weight 32
pounds. They can ship via courier but not bus. Reviews are found on their website or at Contact: Richard Wright <>
GrassRoots Consulting Group Inc.
Phone 250-296-4432; Fax 296-4429.
Box 15, Miocene, 4030 Horsefly Road, Williams Lake,
BC, Canada V2G 2P3
Web site:


Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 09:05:11 EST
Subject: Y2K Connections: Two For One Special

Dear colleagues in preparedness,

It's not too late to build awareness on Y2K - It's not too late if you've got
a powerful tool that gets people discovering for themselves how they'll be
impacted. It's that self-discovery that melts away resistance. Often,
awareness without resistance generates motivation to prepare. And the best
awareness moves people beyond their own needs to consider the needs of

The tool I offer is Y2K Connections, the scenario game generating community,
not crises.

Stuart Umpleby purchased his copy just last week. Here's what he has to say:
" I just played your game with 3 visiting Russian professors associated with
the Research Program. Although they had heard me speak about y2k on a
variety of occasions since Sept., I do not think they "got it" until they
played the game. It is really a very effective teaching tool.
Congratulations! You may quote me. :-)"
and "I have admired your work on the teleconference and only recently
realized that you produced the game that I had heard of. I wish I had
ordered it earlier."

We don't promote the resources we offer on the teleconference, but many of
you have urged me to engage this network to get the word out on Y2K

Milwaukee's Y2K community catalyst, Virginia Hirsch reports, "In just 30
minutes, Y2K Connections changes the atmosphere from "doom and gloom" to
enthusiastic proactive involvement." California emergency management
veteran, Rick Tobin, enthuses "Y2K Connections builds the kinds of
understanding needed to find what people CAN do together, not focusing on
what they CANNOT." And high school students from Shrewsbury report "I
learned playing Y2K Connectionsô how to inform without causing panic, how to
prepare for Y2K and that, by working together, we will accomplish more."
"Crisis is being alone and community together works."

It's not too late to build awareness and instill self-motivation for
preparedness. It's never to late to build community. And I'm pleased to
offer you a tool that is extraordinarily effective at doing that.

And now you can get TWO copies for the price of one, $29 (plus $5 s/h). And
each purchase will also receive a free copy of the Y2K Citizens Action Guide.

For more information or to place an order online, visit
To order by phone, call 508-358-7002.

Consider a case of 20 for the low price of just $10/game. (Order now -
supplies are limited) What better way to complete your holiday shopping for
colleagues, neighbors or family. Or to provide sponsor Y2K awareness &
preparedness at your local school or church. I offered a free game to any
5th grader who earned over 100 points on the Scavenger Hunt. In 2 days EVERY
STUDENT had earned a game! And you know they couldn't do it by themselves -
they had to involve the parents. This works. (In case you haven't seen the
Scavenger Hunt, I've attached a copy below).

We ship by US Priority Mail - you'll have your games in just 2 days.

Feel free to pass this offer on to your network.

Thank you for all your efforts building community, not crises, around Y2K.


Jan Nickerson
Y2K Connections ~ building community not crises ~ the ONLY Y2K game in town


Global Action Plan (GAP) is making available at no charge, through a grant
from the Nathan Cummings Foundation, 125,000 of its Y2K basic preparedness
to municipalities and Y2K civic organizations. Twenty-five
organizations will be selected based on their ability to distribute 5000
brochures with an emphasis on the vulnerable populations of their
community. By 11/30 e-mail GAP <> a brief
description of your need, distribution capability and plan for
disseminating the brochures.  For more info visit their web-site at or call (914) 679-4830  [fax:
(914) 679-4834]. Global Action Plan, PO Box 428, Woodstock NY 12498.