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Community-Building Organizations

(This is only a beginning. Please send other suggestions, in this format.)

National Civic League
1445 Market Street, # 300
Denver, CO 80202-1728
Tel. 303.571.4343
Fax. 303.571.4404
NCL is a 106-year-old nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening citizen democracy by transforming democratic institutions. Best known for the annual All-America City Awards, NCL also works directly with communities to foster cross-sector collaboration and grass roots problem solving.

Center for Neighborhood Technology
2125 W. North Ave.
Chicago, IL 60647
Seeking a healthier urban environment, a sustainable economy, and viable neighborhoods, CNT
offers practical tools for neighborhood organizations, especially in the areas of energy, jobs,
housing, food, and materials use.

Heartland Center for Leadership Development
941 'O' St., Suite 920
Lincoln, NE 68508
An independent, nonprofit organization developing local leadership that responds to the challenges
of the future. A major focus of its activities is practical resources and public policies for rural
community survival. It offers workshops and technical assistance.

Highlander Research and Education Center
1959 Highlander Way
New Market, TN 37820
An independent, nonprofit training center involved in a variety of social change issues in the South,
including economic development and education. The center develops its research and publications
by drawing together people most affected by particular issues and recording their experiences and
ideas on how to approach solutions.

National Association of Towns and Townships
1522 K St. NW, Suite 703
Washington, DC 20005
202/737-5200, 624-3550
Offers educational conferences, training workshops, and specialized periodicals that help local
officials cope with and manage change in small towns.

Small Towns Institute
PO Box 517
Ellensburg, WA 98926
Collects and disseminates information on new ideas concerning the issues facing small towns.