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FACS Journalism Conference on Reporting the Y2K Story


Apr 8,1999
Arthur Young

Reporters and editors are inundated with claims about the millennium bug. What is really going to happen to governments, to financial institutions, the power supply, gas and cash stations after January 1, 2000?

Hear from some of the nation's Y2K experts.

The Foundation for American Communications (FACS) will conduct its second one-day seminar on the topic, May 3, 1999 at The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose.

Faculty and speakers for the conference include:

REGISTRATION: There is a $75 registration fee. You must be pre-registered to attend. You may register online through FACSNET at Select "FACS Conferences" from the top page and then select "Current FACS Conferences" to get the listing of conferences for which you may register.

You may also telephone FACS at 626-584-0010 to initiate the process.


Randy Reddick
85 South Grand Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91105 fax: 626-584-0627
voice: 626-584-0010 x13


Arthur Young, APR
Communication Management
1465 Kearny Street
San Francisco, CA 94133-3429
415-924-9250 VM Direct: 415-981-5743