First thoughts on the Seattle WTO demonstrations from a co-intelligence perspective - by Tom Atlee
The WTO: Getting beyond the policies into the process by Tom Atlee
The WTO: Inside, Outside, All Around
The World by Paul Hawken - one of America's leading alternative
economists/businessmen has written a truly compelling classic,
in which the protest event overwhelms the institution in a grassroots
tsunami of life, earth, and humanity.
in the Emerald City: WTO protest strategy and tactics by Paul
de Armond - A lengthy, detailed account of the events, background
dynamics (even in the Seattle police department), and strategies
and tactics of all players in the WTO protests, by a pro-democracy
investigative reporter.
A multidimensional view of WTO by
Vicki Robin - a romping, wildly insightful exploration of everything
from "WTO as Mirror" to "WTO as Infotainment."
Starhawk's take on the WTO - Starhawk is my favorite Pagan writer, and she was in the midst of the demonstrations. She gives a very spirited description of the dynamics involved. In How We Really Shut Down the WTO (process notes) she goes into even more detail about the processes, tactics and vision.
Seattle - Blow by Blow - by Kelly Quirke, Executive Director of the Rainforest Action Network - a deep inside account of the flexible, creative self-organization of the demonstrators.
Making Sense out of the WTO by Rachel's Environment and Health Weekly - a concise critique of the non-democratic nature of the WTO, and what it's all about.
Quintessence, Inevitability and the WTO by David La Chapelle ties the dynamics of Seattle into some very large cosmic realities...
Seattle/WTO from a Union Perspective - "The Kids are All Right" by Jeff Crosby provides a compelling sense of convergence among many forces out to make a better world.
Oh, to Be In Seattle! by JON CARROLL, San Francisco Chronicle - a humorous, loving look at all the forces chaotically colliding in a grand symphony of democracy
News from the Front Lines of the Battle of Seattle by The Reverend Sharon Delgado sounds much like chronicles from the campaigns of Gandhi and Martin Luther King
Some Strategic Lessons from "The Battle of Seattle" by John De Graaf points out the advantages of trying to get clear demands met before doing nonviolent direct action.
Historic Significance of Seattle by Vandana Shiva focuses
on the Seattle events as a watershed and particularly delineates
the kind of sustainable food system that the WTO undermines.
Beginning of a Global Movement by Adriene Sere - A brief,
cogent view of the WTO protests from a feminist perspective.
Protest in Seattle: The Modern Maccabees by Rabbi Michael Lerner, discusses the event from a Jewish Renewal perspective.