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Y2K and Kids

Kids are a vital part of any community and can do community-building in their own right. Kids also pick up on the anxieties of the adults around them and need to know what's going on with Y2K.

The two main kids sites we've found so far, both of which are good and overlap a lot, are: worldwide sunflower gardening project and song for kids. Resources for parents and teachers. Includes a calm, positive explanation of Y2K written for kids. kid's page is an upbeat site with lots of links.

Among the useful articles we've seen are:

How the Year 2000 Problem Impacts Children By William M. Ulrich

What do I tell the children? from Karen Anderson's Y2K for Women site

FEMA/ARC's brochure "Helping Children Cope with Disaster."

FEMA for Kids site

Domino Physics and Y2K The author observes his son and other kids learning about chain reactions in complex systems by using dominos.

For adolescents and young adults, check out Youth Involved in Y2K Preparation, Social Transformation.

Creating an Emergency Plan

Preparedness 360
