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The "Nudes, Not Nukes" Demonstration



When you think about what you have to do in this culture to get your priorities straight, it just boggles the mind!! But it is always heartening to hear about someone doing it. I wonder if there will be any copycat demonstrations elsewhere... -- Coheartedly, Tom


Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 14:03:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Wendy Tanowitz <>
Subject: Nudes, not nukes!


Our Y2K World Atomic Safety Holiday campaign people were at a forum on
nuclear weapons last night. It was a ho-hum affair until Helen Caldicott and
Patch Adams related
a story about how they had called a press conference in Washington D.C. to
talk about the possibility of extinction because of y2k as it relates to
nuclear weapons and power. No one came. So last night, Helen said, "What
does it take to get their attention? Do I have to take my clothes off?"

Then Patch Adams asked the audience how many would be willing to take
their clothes off. Dozens raised their hands. One of our Y2K WASH
folks called the press, we all disrobed and marched down Van Ness
Avenue chanting, "disrobe for disarmament, and "Nudes, not nukes!"
The SF Examiner and Channel 5 did fair coverage--no frontal nudity, however.
They both get the story right about the reason we were doing this.

This is the story which appeared in the San Francisco Examiner today, 10/4.