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Eight ways to deal with Y2K, once the chips are down

by Tom Atlee

The more we realize, collectively, that we aren't going to fix all the Y2K-bugged systems in time, the more we can move resources away from full remediation to more pressing needs like these:

Ensure immediate public safety

1) Focus remediation efforts on vital infrastructure needed to support people's lives (especially water, sanitation, heat and basic foods).
2) Prepare emergency services and contingency plans.

Facilitate medium-range community well-being

3) Strengthen community (neighborliness; spirit; awareness of assets, capacities, and needs; etc.).
4) Stockpile vital community resources (especially food, water, fuel, community shelters, medicines).

Build long-term community resilience

5) Promote sustainable approaches to community self-reliance (solar power, biointensive gardening, non-toxic lifestyles, local economics, etc.).
6) Promote community intelligence -- the ability to think, feel and act together well.

Welcome deep challenge, deep learning and deep change

7) Reflect together on "How did Y2K happen?" "What is the proper role of technology in our culture?" "What kind of lives, communities and societies do we really want?" and so on.
8) Open up, move towards possibility, and let go -- rather than closing down, turning away, and grasping.

See also The Year 2000 Problem and Sustainability by Tom Atlee