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 Gena Van CampLaura Wells Rosa Zubizarreta


Gena Van Camp & Bob Glotzbach
Regeneration Resources
5082 Warm Springs Rd., Glen Ellen, CA 95442 - USA
Gena is an anthropologist and Bob a sociologist. We have been bioregionalists, decentralists and community activists for almost two decades in programs and projects that involve citizens in their local communities. Through Regeneration Resources we work to build community consciousness and to help small towns establish participation in communications, self-governance, local economies, etc. We have sponsored exhibits on recycling, local history and renewable energies. We are writing a book, The Elements of Real Community, describing a systems approach to citizen participation in small towns and neighborhoods.
   We want to network with community activists who are active in their own communities. We are looking for examples of places with high levels of citizen participation.

Laura Wells
County Council, Alameda County Green Party
Oakland, CA 94610 - USA
510-986-0879 h
I've been active with the Green Party and in community-building. I believe there are solutions to problems we face, and "ordinary people" with time to deliberate can find the solutions. The political and commercial systems we have in place are not up to the task by themselves.
    I want to work with a team bringing Wisdom Councils and consensus councils to the SF Bay Area, particularly Oakland. I've considered running for office using Wisdom Councils as centerpiece of my campaign. I'm exploring how the large union where I'm on staff might engage rank-and-file in randomly selected councils.

Rosa Zubizarreta
Principal Consultant, Facilitating Creative Collaboration
Sebastopol, CA 95472 - USA
I consult with businesses, local governments, non-profits, and community groups. My background includes organization development, human systems, transformative education, and social work. I have been greatly inspired by Jim Rough's Dynamic Facilitation, and my passion is facilitating emergent processes where the energy of diversity becomes a resource for creativity.
    As editor of The Tao of Democracy, my commitment is to expanding our cultural imagination about the possibilities inherent in conflict. The social potential shown by the "Canadian Experiment" is ever present, emerging whenever appropriate circumstances are provided… I seek to re-create this life-affirming drama in a variety of settings.



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